What Are Ethical Engagement Rings?

August 30, 2023

What Are Ethical Engagement Rings?


As the world becomes increasingly aware of the environmental and social impact of the jewelry industry, more couples are seeking ethical alternatives for their engagement rings. An ethical engagement ring goes beyond beauty; it represents a commitment to responsible sourcing and a sustainable future. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the key elements of ethical engagement rings and provide you with the knowledge you need to make an informed decision. We'll cover everything from understanding the concept of ethical engagement rings to exploring sustainable gemstones, ethical metal choices, and the future of the industry.

 what are ethical engagement rings

Understanding Ethical Engagement Rings

What Makes an Engagement Ring Ethical?

An ethical engagement ring is one that is crafted with materials sourced responsibly, minimizing environmental impact, and ensuring fair labor practices throughout the supply chain. It encompasses various factors, including responsible material sourcing, conflict-free diamonds, sustainable gemstones, fair labor practices, and transparency in the supply chain.

Responsible Material Sourcing involves using materials that respect human rights, support local communities, and minimize environmental harm. This includes gemstones and metals.

Conflict-Free Diamonds are diamonds that have been mined and traded without financing armed conflicts or human rights abuses. Certification processes like the Kimberley Process aim to prevent the trade of conflict diamonds, but their effectiveness has been questioned.

Sustainable Gemstones refer to gemstones that are mined and cut with minimal environmental impact. This can include lab-grown diamonds with SCS Sustainably Rated Certification, Carbon Negative AETHER AIR lab diamonds made from carbon pollution, or alternative gemstones that are ethically sourced and have a smaller carbon footprint.

Fair Labor Practices ensure that workers involved in the production of the engagement ring are treated fairly, paid a living wage, and work in safe conditions. It is essential to choose brands that prioritize fair treatment of workers.

Transparency and Traceability allow consumers to trace the journey of the materials used in the engagement ring, ensuring they are ethically sourced. Look for jewelers who provide information about their suppliers and certifications that verify ethical and sustainable practices.

dark side of mining

The Dark Side of Diamond Mining

The diamond industry has a long history marred by unethical practices, including human rights abuses, environmental damage, and the financing of armed conflicts. Many diamonds are sourced from conflict zones or areas where workers are subjected to unsafe conditions and unfair wages. The certification processes like the Kimberley Process, which aims to prevent the trade of conflict diamonds, have been criticized for their lack of transparency and accountability. Therefore, the term "conflict-free diamonds" does not guarantee ethical practices throughout the entire supply chain.

The Rise of Ethical Alternatives

To address the ethical concerns associated with traditional diamond mining, ethical alternatives have emerged. These alternatives offer consumers a more sustainable and responsible choice for their engagement rings.

Lab-Grown Diamonds are created in a laboratory using advanced technology that replicates the natural diamond-growing process. They have the same physical and chemical properties as mined diamonds but are free from most ethical concerns associated with traditional diamond mining. Lab-grown diamonds have a slightly lower carbon footprint and are inherently conflict-free and can even be carbon negative when made with sequestered carbon. It is important to also trace the cutting of lab diamonds as this is 50% of the labor that goes into producing the stone.

Recycled Diamonds, also known as repurposed or secondhand diamonds, are sourced from existing jewelry. Recycled diamonds offer a unique history and vintage appeal with interesting antique cuts. Majority of recycled diamonds are not traceable and the source of them may have been harmful if the diamond was from a modern piece of jewelry. With the exception of verified antique diamonds who were produced before the modern diamond mining crisis. 

Alternative Gemstones, such as sapphires, garnet, and rubies, provide a wide range of options for those seeking ethical engagement rings. These gemstones are responsibly sourced, offer vibrant colors, and minimize the environmental impact associated with traditional diamond mining as they often come from artisanal mining sources.

Elements of Ethical Engagement Rings

best ethical diamonds for engagement rings

Sustainable and Ethical Gemstones

In addition to diamonds, there is a wide range of responsibly sourced and ethical gemstones to choose from for your engagement ring. These gemstones are sourced in a manner that prioritizes fair labor practices, safe working conditions, and low environmental impact.

  • SCS Sustainably Rated Lab Diamonds: Lab-grown diamonds that have been certified by SCS Global Services, an independent third-party certification body. These lab diamonds adhere to strict sustainability and ethical criteria, ensuring they are responsibly sourced and environmentally lower impact.

  • Aether Air Diamonds: Aether Air Diamonds are lab-grown diamonds crafted with cutting-edge technology that sequesters carbon pollution. These diamonds are created in a sustainable manner, certified B corp and boast a a negative carbon footprint and no ethical concerns associated with traditional diamond mining.

  • Recycled Diamonds: Recycled diamonds, as mentioned earlier, are repurposed from existing jewelry or other sources. By choosing recycled diamonds, you can embrace the beauty of a diamond while minimizing the environmental and ethical concerns associated with newly mined stones. Recycled diamonds still do raise some ethical and sustainability concerns if they were most likely mined recently and should be looked at as a neutral option. 

  • Salt and Pepper Diamonds: Salt and pepper diamonds are unique and stunning gemstones that feature a mix of white, gray, and black inclusions. These diamonds are often considered "imperfect," but their distinctiveness makes them a popular choice for those seeking an alternative and ethical engagement ring. These diamonds should be sourced direct with known provenance.

  • Canadian Diamonds: Diamonds mined and cut in Canada are protected by Canada's labor laws and can be a stunning option for ethical jewelry. The miners and cutters are paid livable wages and have safe working conditions. The mining does raise some environmental concerns but is still a far more responsible option when compared to traditional diamonds. 

  • Ethical Sapphires: Sapphires were once the go to gemstone for engagement rings before the diamond took over in the 50's. Sapphires offer a wonderful option because of their stunning range of colors and also because they are practically as durable and brilliant as a diamond. Sapphires can be easily sourced from Montana USA, Australia and Madagascar, which offers clear provenance and ensures ethical conditions. 

Ethical Metal Choices

ethical gold for engagement rings

The choice of metal for your engagement ring is equally important when it comes to ethical considerations. Here are is the ethical metal choice to consider:

  • Fairmined Certified Gold: Fairmined gold is certified to be responsibly sourced and mined in a manner that supports social development and environmental protection. This certification ensures that miners receive fair wages, work in safe conditions, and follow strict environmental guidelines. Choose from rose, yellow, or white gold options that are certified to be fairmined.

Materials to Avoid

When aiming for ethical and sustainable engagement rings, there are certain materials that are best to avoid:

  • Recycled Gold: While recycled gold may seem to be a better alternative compared to newly mined gold, it still has environmental and ethical  consequences. Recycled gold is rarely old jewelry being turned into new jewelry with the majority of it coming from newly mined gold due to unfortunate loopholes in the definitions of the material. The original mining of recycled gold most likely occurred recently and thus it actively contributes to unsafe working conditions, deforestation and heavy pollution. Recycled gold is a meaningless claim because gold has always been recycled and it is never diverted from a waste stream. What this means is we need to support gold mining that has an active force for good like Fairmined gold. 

  • Kimberley Process Diamonds: The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme was established to prevent the trade of conflict diamonds. However, the effectiveness of this certification has been questioned, as it has loopholes and limitations that allow some conflict diamonds to enter the market. To ensure the highest ethical standards, consider alternatives such as lab-grown diamonds, recycled diamonds, or gemstones with known provenance.

Shopping for Ethical Engagement Rings

ethical engagement ring companies

Researching Ethical Jewelers

When shopping for an ethical engagement ring, it's essential to research and choose reputable jewelers who prioritize ethical and sustainable practices. Look for jewelers who offer detailed information about their sourcing, certifications, and manufacturing processes. Consider the following factors when researching ethical jewelers:

  • Brand Values and Certifications: Look for brands that clearly communicate their commitment to ethical and sustainable practices. Check for certifications such as Fairmined, Fair Trade, B Corp or other recognized standards that verify their ethical practices.

  • Supply Chain Transparency: Choose jewelers that provide transparency and traceability throughout their supply chain. They should be able to provide information about the origin of their materials and the ethical practices involved in their production.

  • Customer Reviews and Testimonials: Read customer reviews and testimonials to gauge the brand's commitment to ethical practices. Positive feedback from customers who have purchased ethical engagement rings can provide reassurance about the brand's credibility.

  • Customization Options: Consider jewelers that offer customization options, allowing you to choose the type of stone, metal, and design that aligns with your values and personal style. Working with a jeweler who understands your ethical preferences ensures that you create a ring that reflects your values.

Pricing and Budget Considerations

Ethical engagement rings can vary in price depending on factors such as the type of stone, metal, and craftsmanship involved. It's important to set a budget and communicate your preferences to the jeweler. Discussing your budget and priorities will help the jeweler guide you towards options that meet your ethical standards without compromising on quality or design.

Remember that investing in an ethical engagement ring is not just about the monetary value but also the value it holds in terms of responsible sourcing and sustainability. The price you pay reflects the positive impact you are making on the world and the values you hold dear.

The Future of Ethical and Sustainable Jewelry

The Role of Consumer Demand

As consumers become more conscious of the impact of their purchasing decisions, the demand for ethical and sustainable jewelry continues to grow. By choosing ethical engagement rings, consumers send a powerful message to the industry that ethical practices are essential. The increasing demand for sustainable jewelry encourages jewelers to adopt more responsible practices and drives positive change throughout the supply chain.

The Importance of Education and Awareness

Education and awareness play a crucial role in promoting ethical and sustainable jewelry practices. By understanding the issues surrounding traditional diamond mining and the benefits of lab-grown diamonds and ethically sourced gemstones, consumers can make informed choices. Jewelers and industry organizations also have a responsibility to educate consumers about ethical options and provide transparent information about their products.

Collaboration and Industry Standards

Creating a more ethical and sustainable jewelry industry requires collaboration and the establishment of industry-wide standards. Jewelers, suppliers, and industry organizations need to work together to develop and implement ethical sourcing guidelines, certifications, and transparent supply chains. By setting standards and holding each other accountable, the industry can ensure that ethical practices become the norm rather than the exception.

custom ethical engagement rings by valley rose studio


Choosing an ethical engagement ring is a meaningful way to celebrate your love while making a positive impact on the world. By opting for diamonds, gemstones, and metals that are ethically sourced and supporting jewelers who prioritize sustainability, you can contribute to a more responsible jewelry industry.

Remember to research and choose reputable jewelers, ask questions about the origin of materials, and prioritize transparency in the supply chain. With the increasing availability of ethical options, there has never been a better time to find the perfect engagement ring that aligns with your values and tells a story of love and responsibility.

Embrace the beauty of ethical engagement rings and let your love story shine with a ring that reflects your values and the future you envision. Together, we can create a more sustainable and ethical jewelry industry, one ring at a time.

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Sizing & Care

Ring Sizing Guide

Print and download this chart to find your ring size. Make sure you use exactly 8.5"x11" letter paper. You can use a string or a piece of paper and wrap around your finger or nuckle to measure the circumference and match to your size.

Brilliant Earth Ring Sizing Guide ↠


Necklace Sizing Guide

Follow this chart to see where the necklace will fall. All necklace sizes are described on the product pages. We suggest getting a piece of string and measuring necklace on your neck to ensure best fit. 


Special Care Instructions

To keep your jewels looking their best please keep these tips in mind to extend the life of your pieces. 

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