How to Maximize Diamond Sparkle: The Best Diamond Shapes for the Most Scintillation

January 20, 2025

How to Maximize Diamond Sparkle: The Best Diamond Shapes for the Most Scintillation


Diamonds are a girl’s best friend and just like our friends, we want them to shine as bright as they possibly can. We want our gemstones to sparkle (or scintilate) and dazzle every time we enter a room. Scintillation is especially important for diamonds, but Sapphires, though stunning in their own way, don’t have the ability to reflect light in the same way their gemstone sisters do. If you want to find out how to maximize the sparkle of your diamond jewelry, read on for the full Valley Rose breakdown. 

Why are diamonds so sparkly?

The cut of the diamond is a determining factor in how sparkly the stone will be. If the stone cut is high quality, light will be able to pass through the facets in an optimal way and reflect more light - this gives the stone its dazzling quality. Different cuts reflect light in different ways, for example, a round cut will reflect light all the way around the stone, whereas a cushion cut with a geometric shape will reflect less light. 

In addition to the cut, the clarity of the diamond itself and the color of the diamond both have an impact on the scintillation. Meaning a pure, clear diamond is likely to be more sparkly than a yellow diamond. 

How to Maximize Diamond Sparkle: The Best Diamond Shapes for the Most Scintillation

What are the Most Sparkly Diamond Cut Shapes?

Round Brilliant Cut: Considered the most sparkly cut, as it has a condensed pattern radiating out from the center, the disadvantage of the round cut is that it has the iceburg effect where most of the carat weight is below causing it to look smaller from above and needing to go up in carat size to maximize spread.

Oval Cut: A tightly packed sparkle like a round cut even though it is an elongated cut. So the advantage is that it looks bigger than it is with a longer spread (looks larger than it is) while still having a great sparkle distribution.

How to Maximize Diamond Sparkle: The Best Diamond Shapes for the Most Scintillation

Pear cut: All the advantages of the oval and round cut, a non traditional cut that has a good facet distribution throughout causing a bright sparkle effect. The pear cut also has a nice spread, not quite as advantageous as the oval but enough to look larger than a round cut in the same carat weight class.

How to Maximize Diamond Sparkle: The Best Diamond Shapes for the Most Scintillation

Cushion Cut and Step Cuts:These cuts are beautiful and certainly unique! But if we are going after the maximum sparkle factor these actually are slightly less sparkly than the other previous options as these geometric cuts cause the the facets to be a tiny bit longer and wider (less tightly packed sparkle).

How do I care for my diamond jewelry to ensure they always sparkle?

Keep them clean

It may sound obvious but keeping your ring clean will make sure it stays extra sparkly. Dust, oils and dirt will all dull the sparkle, so cleaning your ring once a week in warm, soapy water will go a long way towards keeping it extra sparkly. Be extra careful, using a soft microfibre cloth and handle your jewellery with gentleness to avoid scratches to the metal. It is also worth getting your ring cleaned professionally once a year, as a professional will be able to get into all the miniscule nooks and crannies you might have missed. 

How to Maximize Diamond Sparkle: The Best Diamond Shapes for the Most Scintillation

Keep them chemical free

Harsh chemicals can have a negative impact on the scintilation of the ring. Don a pair of gloves whenever you’re cleaning the house and make sure you take your ring off when you go swimming. 

See a Jeweller

Every six months to a year, it’s worth visiting your local jeweller so they can check the ring and make sure the gemstone hasn’t become loose in the setting over time. There’s nothing worse than looking down at your hand one day and seeing that your precious stone has disappeared!

Keep them wrapped up

If you have to take off your ring, make sure you wrap it up in some soft material before storing it with the rest of your jewellery. The last thing you want is the different metals clanging together and scratches appearing out of nowhere. 

How to Maximize Diamond Sparkle: The Best Diamond Shapes for the Most Scintillation

Why don’t Sapphires sparkle like diamonds?

When you think of a sapphire, you probably imagine their lovely cool blue hues rather than their sparkly appearance. While the quality may be similar when comparing with a diamond, they have fewer, larger facets, meaning less areas to reflect light. Additionally, their slightly opaque nature also prevents light from fully passing through the stone.

Ultimately, by following a few simple steps, you can maximise the scintilation of both your diamonds and Sapphires and keep your rings looking as dazzling as ever! All it takes is a bit of dedication and your gemstones will be sparkling for years to come. 

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